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R과 MySQL 연동 패키지(RMySQL) 본문
install.packages("RMySQL") #R과 MySQL연동을 위한 패키지를 다운로드 합니다.
library(RMySQL) # RMySQL 패키지를 로드합니다.
1. Connect and authenticate to one or more MySQL databases:
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), group = "lasers")
con2 <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user="opto", password="pure-light",
dbname="lasers", host="merced")
2. List tables and fields in a table:
dbListFields(con, "table_name")
3. Import and export data.frames:
RMySQL-package 3
d <- dbReadTable(con, "WL")
dbWriteTable(con, "WL2", a.data.frame) ## table from a data.frame
dbWriteTable(con, "test2", "~/data/test2.csv") ## table from a file
4. Run an arbitrary SQL statement and extract all its output (returns a data.frame):
dbGetQuery(con, "select count(*) from a_table")
dbGetQuery(con, "select * from a_table")
5. Run an SQL statement and extract its output in pieces (returns a result set):
rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "select * from WL where width_nm between 0.5 and 1")
d1 <- fetch(rs, n = 10000)
d2 <- fetch(rs, n = -1
6. Run multiple SQL statements and process the various result sets (note the client.flag value
in the dbConnect call):
con <- dbConnection(MySQL(), dbname = "rs-dbi",
script <- paste("select * from WL where width_nm between 0.5 and 1"
"select * from lasers_id where id LIKE ’AL100
sep = ";")
rs1 <- dbSendQuery(con, script)
d1 <- fetch(rs1, n = -1)
rs2 <- dbNextResult(con)
d2 <- fetch(rs2, n=-1)
7. Get meta-information on a connection (thread-id, etc.):
summary(MySQL(), verbose = TRUE)
summary(con, verbose = TRUE)
summary(rs, verbose = TRUE)
8. Close connections:
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